Multi-EXT Multi-Support Kit

Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech


"The desire to racing is instantly ignited."



Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech

Multi-EXT 多重式支撐套件 採用 HARMONIZE 全新設計語彙 EXTEND ,顛覆傳統支撐構思,重新詮釋操控車輛的野心與支撐表現。
Multi-EXT multi-support kit adopts HARMONIZE's brand-new design language, EXTEND, subverting the conventional support concept and reinterpreting the ambition and support performance of controlling the superbike.

Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech

With breakthrough lateral lines extending continuously backward, presenting an ever-expanding visual tension, the futuristic and multi-layered innovative design concept creates a profound form.

Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech

由 1,712 個點發散而成,輻射狀展開構築 4,000 條多重線段,呈現偏移延伸的視覺效果將車身造型最佳化,處處展現機能至上的細節,完美展現型隨機能的 EXTEND 設計概念。
Formed from 1,712 points, radiating to construct 4,000 multiple line segments, presenting a visually appealing effect of offset extension to optimize the body shape, showcasing functionality-focused details everywhere, perfectly embodying the EXTEND design concept of form following function.

Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech

Multi-EXT 多重式立體設計

採用 HARMONIZE 全新設計語彙,和諧與機能兼具的多重式立體設計,由精緻細密的漸層式圖樣與網格交織而成,以突破性的側立體線條一路向後延伸,營造立體深邃的多重視覺張力,讓眾人目光一路追隨。


Multi-EXT Multi-dimensional Design

Adopting HARMONIZE's new design language, a harmonious and functional multi-dimensional design is intricately woven from delicate gradient patterns and grids, with groundbreaking lateral lines extending continuously backward, creating a multi-layered visual tension, captivating attention along its path.

Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech





Designed With Riding In Mind

Specially designed for riders, it subverts conventional support concepts, reinterpreting the ambition and support performance of controlling the superbike, providing a better way of support. Rich in riding pleasure while enjoying complete control and confidence.

Better Experience Goal

Introducing a brand-new manufacturing process, utilizing a new type of additive manufacturing, fully embodying the details of parametric design, highlighting the uniqueness of organic forms.
Providing riders with stable support while riding, assisting in reducing the uncertainty of the rider's center of gravity shift during riding, achieving more ideal support goals.

Harmonize,harmonize winglets, winglet,Multi-ext,sc82,honda,hondasc82,hondacbr1000rrr,cbr1000rr-r,sc82 package,sc57,sc77,sc59,cbr1000rrr2024,cbr1000,cbr1000rr-r sp,harmonize mototech

HARMONIZE Multi-EXT > EXT-SC82 Multi-Support Kit

This project is designed for the Honda CBR1000RR-R.
If you have any further ideas, please feel free to contact us at: info@harmonize-mototech.com.

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《 HARMONIZECommunity 》will be updated on the 1st of the month.

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