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「 HARMONIZECommunity 文化生態圈 」攝影作品募集
《 HARMONIZECommunity 》Collection of Photographic

我們的使命是尋找獨一無二的作品,同時致力於推廣攝影師人才,共創屬於我們的文化!獲選作品有機會出現在《 HARMONIZECommunity 》
Our mission is to find masterpiece works, and at the same time, we are committed to promoting photographer talent and creating our culture! Selected works have the opportunity to appear in "HARMONIZECommunity".
Submit your photos now, we look forward to discovering them!


作品規範 Specification:

  • 凡安裝 HARMONIZE 任一產品之攝影作品皆可參與投稿。(補充﹔不限靜、動態攝影。)
    All photographic works with any HARMONIZE product installed can be submitted. (Unlimited static photography or motion photography.)

  • 照片必須至少為 1500 像素。
    Photos must be at least 1500px wide.

  • 照片至少具有300 dpi 解析度。
    Photo to have minimum 300 dpi resolution.

  • 最大文件大小 ≤ 50 MB
    Maximum file size ≤ 50 MB

線上投件 Submission

    @HARMONIZECommunity 將於每月1日更新。
    Will be updated on the 1st of every month.

    注意事項 Precautions:

    1. 完成投件即視為授權主辦單位(HARMONIZE Ltd.)使用參與者公開於官方網站上的文字、個人資料等,同意提供主辦單位及本活動相關之印刷、網站及其他推廣使用。
    2. 參加作品應確實遵守著作權法之規定,若有利用他人著作或權利(包含文字、影像等)時,參與者應取得該著作財產權人或權利人之同意或授權。經查證屬實係冒名、抄襲、拷貝、仿冒者等侵權行為由作者自負法律責任,並撤銷其參加及刊登資格。如造成第三者之權益損失,當事者須自負完全法律責任,概與主辦單位(HARMONIZE Ltd.)無關。
    3. HARMONIZE Ltd.保留上述變更之權利,請以官網公布之最新資料為主,並保有最終解釋權。
    • Completing the submission is deemed to authorize the organizer (HARMONIZE Ltd.) to use the text and personal information published by the participants on the official website, and agree to provide the organizer and the event-related printing, website and other promotional use.
    • Participating works should strictly abide by the provisions of the Copyright Law. If there is any use of other people's works or rights (including text, images, etc.), the participants should obtain the consent or authorization of the copyright owner or obligee. After verification, it is the author's own legal responsibility for infringements such as impersonation, plagiarism, copying, and imitation, and his participation and publication qualifications will be revoked. In case of loss of rights and interests of a third party, the party concerned shall bear full legal responsibility, and has nothing to do with the organizer (HARMONIZE Ltd.).
    • HARMONIZE Ltd. reserves the right to make changes above. Please refer to the latest information published on the official website and reserve the right of final interpretation.

    聯絡我們 Contact Us:

    ※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方(HARMONIZE Ltd.)公佈為主
    The detailed regulations are mainly announced by the official organizer (HARMONIZE Ltd.)